Monday, October 30, 2017

Journal Write: Kintsukuroi

Kintsukuroi is a Japanese pottery "philosophy" where they repair broken pottery with beautiful gold or silver. The idea being that the piece is more beautiful BECAUSE it was broken. I know from a personal account that the things that "broke me" make me better now, and I have seen that some of the most beautiful people I have ever known have been through the roughest past. In what ways has being "broken" given you [or someone you know] something positive that you never would have had if life had been easy?  

As an example, I believe that some of the pain and heartbreak that I have been through allows me to better understand what others are enduring.  In some ways I believe this makes me a better teacher.  

(You can hand this to me personally if you want nobody else to see it.)  [15 minutes]  

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