Thursday, October 5, 2017

10.3: Nationalism, Unification, and Reform

Chapter 10 Lesson 3: Nationalism, Unification, and Reform
  • Vocabulary (p.186):
    • Unification
    • Regime
    • Militarism
    • Emancipation
    • Abolitionism
  • Taking Notes (p.186): Chart
  • Geography Connection (p.187): #1 & 2
  • Critical Thinking (p.188): How did Bismarck's and Garibaldi's careers as unifiers differ?
  • Reading Progress Check  (p.189): How did the Crimean War destroy the Concert of Europe?
  • Critical Thinking (p.190): How does this image convey the possible living conditions of Russian peasants?
  • Reading Progress Check (p.191): What concessions did the Hungarians gain from the Compromise of 1867?
  • Reading Progress Check (p.191): What issues divided Americans in the 1800's?
  • Lesson 3 Review (p.191): #2, 3, 5

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