Tuesday, October 24, 2017

12.2: Empire Building in Africa

Bell Ringers: 
  1. What are some reasons that countries might have for taking control of other countries?
  2. Hypothesize three reasons you think that imperialism (when one country takes over another country) would have taken place in the late 1800s.  
  3. Discuss whether imperialism still happening anywhere in the world.
Book Assignment: 
  • Critical Thinking (p.232): Which colonial power controlled most of West Africa?
  • Critical Thinking (p.233): Why did the phrase, "Dr. Livingston, I presume." become so famous?
  • Critical Thinking (p.234): What conditions did men endure in South African diamond mines?
  • Critical Thinking (p.235): Why was Zulu chief Cetewayo unable to maintain power?
  • Lesson 2 Review: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
SUBSTITUTE: Please play the "Imperialism" video by "Crash Course World History" about 20 minutes before the end of class.

Students: Answer the following:
  1. Describe how opium was used to control China.
  2. Why weren't Europeans able to take over Africa?
  3. How did Britain control India?

This is a little off-topic, but in the early 1980's there was a band called "Art of Noise" that created music with sound clips and sound effects. They created this song called "Instruments of Darkness" to protest the Apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid was a system by which the white minority basically enslaved the black majority.

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