Wednesday, October 11, 2017

11.1: The Growth of Industrial Prosperity

The Growth of Industrial Prosperity
  1. The Second Industrial Revolution
    1. New Products and Patterns
      1. Bessemer Process makes high quality steel cheaply
      2. Electricity was a valuable new form of energy
      3. Electricity leads to new inventions
      4. Streetcars and subways powered by electricity
      5. Development of internal combustion engine
      6. Industrial production grew as a result of increased sales
      7. First department stores sell variety of consumer goods
      8. Europe divided into two different economic zones
    2. Toward a World Economy
      1. Second Industrial Revolution and growth of transportation fostered world economy
      2. European capital invested abroad to develop railways, mines, power plants and banks.
  2. Organizing the Working Classes
    1. Marx's Theory
      1. Communist Manifesty by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
      2. Marx believed all history was a history of class struggles
      3. Marx believed society was splitting into two great hostile camps: bougoisie (middle class) and proletariat (working class)
      4. Predicted that struggle between classes would lead to revolution
    2. Socialist Parties
      1. Working class leaders formed socialist parties based on Marx's ideas.
      2. Socialist parties emerged in other European states
      3. Marxist parties divided over goals -- revolutionists vs. revisionists
    3. Trade Unions
      1. Trade unions worked for evolutionary rather than revolutionary change.
  • Page 205: Geography Connection
    1. What parts of Europe were the least industrialized?
    2. How do you think the environment was affected in areas of industrial concentration?
  • #3: What were the causes and effects of the Second Industrial Revolution in Western Europe?
  • #4: How was socialism a response to industrialization?
  • #5: Write a paragraph describing the obstacles that trade unions faced in their effort to improve labor conditions.

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