Thursday, November 30, 2017

17:2 - World War II

Guiding Question: What were Germany's gains and losses during the early years of the war?

Chapter 17 Section 2: World War II
  • Vocabulary
  • Critical Thinking (p.346): How did the Great Depression prepare Roosevelt for the war effort?
  • Geography Connection (p.347): # 1 & 2
  • Reading Progress Check (p.347): What assumptions did Hitler make about invading the Soviet Union?  Do you think the invasion would have gone differently if he had not made those assumptions?
  • Reading Progress Check (p.348): Why did the United States stay out of WWII until the Pearl Harbor attack?
  • Analyzing Primary Sources (p.348): Why was Hitler so optimistic after he captured the Crimea?
  • Critical Thinking (p.349): What Allied strategies helped change the tide of battle in the East?
  • Reading Progress Check (p.349): Why was the German assault on Stalingrad a crushing defeat for Germans?
  • Lesson 2 Review (p.349): #1, 3, 4, 5
Scenes: "Enemy at the Gates"
The full movie shows the soldiers getting out of the locked railroad cars, being handed rifles (or bullets), etc.  (Currently view on Netflix)

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