Select any topic relating to this class that interests you. Remember where we started and where we ended with the topic, and then cover the in-between.
- Painting
- Song / Parody
- Movie / Historical Fiction
- Comic Strips
- Board Game
- Video Game
- Drawing
- Children's Book
- Presentation Board / Collage
- Quilt or Sewing Projects
- Clothing / Costume
- Welding / Metal Work
- Woodworking
- Sculpture / Pottery
- Local History Documentary
- Diorama / Model
- Food: Decorate a cake, cupcakes, etc.
- Etc. -- If you have an idea, ask.

- If you're going to do a board game, you might look through your closet for games that are missing pieces or hit the Goodwill store or yard sales and start with an actual game board.
- If you want to do a song, start with a Karaoke version of a song you like and make a parody using your topic. (See example below)
- If you're going to do something like a drawing, it needs to be pretty comprehensive. Don't throw together a 5 minute drawing and expect two weeks credit.
- Consider a project that is good enough to use as classroom decoration. Extra credit if you let me keep your project for the classroom. :)
In this video, Megan Leach sings "Obama's Gone". She made this near the end of the 2016 Presidential Election. The poor music playback quality was my fault.
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